About Us

Nemi Chand Educational Academy, Puramana Kiraoli, Agra began as a small garrison primary school with just 250-300 and 08 teachers in the year of 2007-2008. It is founded by Mr. Bhoop Singh Indoliya in the memory of his reverent father. Over the years it has growing school with strength of about 1000 and classes upto XII std. The school is affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi.

Many of our children have spen their early years in villages and have a poor prior knowledge of English. They do not often receive much help from their homes.

Hence, our school has and always will shoulder the responsibility of teaching our children, ensuring that the child does learn and providing special classes to those who nees help.

At Nemi Chand Educational Academy, emphasis is laid on developing the personality of the students. This play a very important part in the training given in the school. The co-curricular activities are designed to nuture their holistic growth. These also serve to channelized, emotional and physical enery.

The school organizes a number of variety of activities such as drama, music, singing, debate, Olympiads, painting, drawing, exihibitions. Apart from it, School offers a number of games and sports activities. At the end of it all, the students will have developed a sense of aesthetics and a spirit of adventure and competition.
School Statement towards students
The mission of the school is to empower all its students to be a problem solvers, users of technology, effective communicators and lifelong learners in a rapidly changing global community by providing challenging experiences in a safe, caring, supporting and co-operative environment and prepare them to be successful and happy in this highly competitive and challenging future global scenario.

The day to day working costs which are being kept extremely low and covered by minimal and rather symbolic schools fees, paid by the parents of the children going to school. Where there is not possible for the parents, school fees are waived off.

Other unavoidable costs of building maintenance and development are met by aid from Shri Nemi Chand Educational Trust , and with donations from kind citizens of the country. School aims at taking up other constructive projects in the field of education in the service of society.